Institute of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
Research Goals
The goal of the Institute of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering is to advance the fundamental understanding of how technical and biological systems operate and to develop effective technologies for applications across a wide spectrum in biomedical engineering. The institute's research areas reflect this emphasis on integrating biomedical sciences with a quantitative, systems-oriented engineering analysis and synthesis approach.
Research areas
- Bioelectric and biomagnetic measurement and stimulation
- Biomedical modeling and simulation
- Biosignal analysis, inverse problems, source analysis and optimization
In this regard, a broad range of applications is in our focus, among them:
nanomedicine, neuroscience, cardiology, otology, oncology, ophthalmology, cell electrophysiology, ...
Current Research Projects
UQ4EMEG - Uncertainty Quantification for EEG/MEG Source Analysis (2022 - 2026)
COMBINE: COmbined stimulation Modelling of the Bionic INner Ear (2022 - 2025)
quantMRX: Quantitative magnetorelaxometry for magnetic nanoparticle monitoring assisting human cancer therapies (2020 - 2023)
- Digital Innovation Hub West (2021-2024)
- E-PAST: Evidence-based Physical Activities in Sport and Health Tourism (2019 - 2021)
ONCE-TMS: Online Neuronal Connectivity Estimation and Neurofeedback with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (2018 - 2021)
eVITA: electrical Vestibular Implant Tyrol Austria (2018 - 2021)
- implEYE - imaging platform for professional eye care
Non-Funded Projects
- Computational methods for biomarker discovery and verification
- New data mining methods for classification, feature selection and clustering on biomedical data
- NICE-Non-invasive imaging of cardiac electroyphysiology
- Modeling and simulation
- Biomedical senors and signal processing