Student and Teaching Center

F A Q s

Frequently Asked Questions

addressed to the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL Student and Teaching Center

1. Employee contact details


1.1 Student and Teaching Center


Head of Student and Teaching Center
Katharina Bortolotti
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3858

Service for students of Biomedical Informatics & Mechatronics,
Nursing Sciences & Gerontology

Sarah Mrakovic
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3817
Fax: +43(0)50-8648-673817

Service for students of Nutritional Sciences, Health Sciences, Psychology, academic courses
Michelle Braunwald
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3839
Fax: +43(0)50-8648-673839

Service for doctoral students, UMIT TIROL-Academy 
Mag. Elisa Haid
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3819
Fax: +43(0)50-8648-673819

Service Examinations
Renate Lahartinger
Tamara  Peer-Terzer
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3807 or 3811


1.2 Rector's Office

Prof. Dr. Sandra Ückert
Tel. Secretary's office: +43(0)50-8648-3890


1.3 Department of Accounting and Finance

Contact for questions regarding tuition fees
Bettina Gaßner-Brachmayer
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3929
room number G3/054

1.4 Departments

The different departments are represented here on our Homepage.

2. General Information about the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL

2.1 How to reach the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL

2.1.1 By car

Motorway from Innsbruck to Salzburg (10 km east of Innsbruck), exit "Hall Mitte", heading for Bezirkskrankenhaus Hall (heading towards „Universität“ or „EWZ“).

2.1.2 Other means of transport

You can also reach us by public transport. The stops are located very close to UMIT TIROL, and at the moment the connections from and to Innsbruck are excellent.

2.1.3 By bus

- Bus line 2 and 5: Innsbruck main station to Bezirkskrankenhaus Hall approx. every 60 min
- Bus line 504: Innsbruck main station to Milserstraße every 15 min. (Sat + Sun every 30 min)

For timetables please visit

2.1.4 By train

For timetables please visit

2.2 The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL job vacancies

Click here to find a list of job and traineeship offers.

2.3 Money dispenser

There is a money dispenser in the clinical area nearby.

2.4 The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL library

The library is on the first floor. Students may borrow books on presentation of a valid student card. Students may use the computers in the library according to the conditions of the official TCC IT Policy. You can search the entire the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL library book collection via the online library directory.

Click here to find the opening hours. Please be aware of limited opening hours during vacation periods.

Contact library Michaela Pletzer
Tel: +43 50-8648-3031
Zimmernummer G1/001A

2.5 Student accommodation
2.5.1 Campus hotel - The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's student hostel

The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL students are able to live on campus. For more details please click here.

Housing Administration of TCC Studentenheim GmbH
Campushotel Hall in Tirol
Eduard Wallnöfer-Zentrum 2
A-6060 Hall in Tirol 
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-2600
Fax: +43(0)50-8648-672600

2.5.2 Partner hotels
For short stays (e.g. block weeks) we can recommend our partner hotels. Special offers are provided by the following hotels/boarding houses/private accommodations:
- Parkhotel Hall in Tirol
- Landhotel Reschenhof

Please note: In order to be able to benefit from special the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL conditions you have to mention "The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL-Hall" in your reservation and you must show your student card on arrival.

2.6 UMIT TIROL email addresses and website

Almost all communication at the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL is done by email via the programme Novell GroupWise or the e-learning platform Moodle. Every "the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL"-student gets an email address upon enrollment according to the following system: (students will receive their login data via post).

Furthermore, we request you to check the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's Homepage on a regular basis in order to stay up-to-date on general information and deadlines.

2.7 Canteen & cafeteria

The „Culinarium“ - The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's canteen - is open daily between 11:30 and 13:00. You can pay with your student card; you just need to top it up with credit (only paper money accepted) at the charging station in the Culinarium.

You will find the daily menu on the electronic info panel in the entrance area on the ground floor.

2.8 Copying facilities

Copy machines for the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL students (with Quick-Chip) are located at:

- The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL library

- Ground floor, north-western side, next to the coffee machine

Students can pay with Quick-Chip.

Students without an Austrian bank card can purchase a Quick-Chip card - a deposit of EUR 10,- required - at the reception desk. (You can transfer money to the Quick-Chip at the charging station on the ground floor – north-western side, next to the coffee machine).

Reception/Information desk
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3000
room number G0/002

2.9 Locker rental

Reception/Information desk
Tel: +43(0)50-8648-3000
room number G0/002

2.10 Students' recreation room

All UMIT TIROL students may use the recreation room located at room number G0/006 North/West. Please note the terms of use issued by TCC.

2.11 Student card

Upon enrollment all the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL students will receive a student card during the orientation days. Each semester students will receive a confirmation of registration and a semester sticker (=update of validity).

2.11.1 Lost student cards

In order to prevent misuse, the loss of a student card shall be reported immediately to Student and Teaching Center. Please note that you have to pay a fee of EUR 15,- at the reception desk prior to issuing a new student card.

2.11.2 Defect student cards

Please contact Student and Teaching Center and present the defect card.

2.11.3 Return of the student card

At the completion of studies or when taking a leave of absence, students are expected to return or deposit their student card to/at Student and Teaching Center. 

2.12 Student representatives

For information on the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's student representatives and their contact data please click here.

2.13 TCC - Errichtungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

Please take note of the current version of the "EWZ guidelines" which apply to you, issued by TCC. They also include the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's house rules, the IT Policy and the rules of behaviour in case of fire.

Contact address
TCC Errichtungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Eduard Wallnöfer-Zentrum 1
A-6060 Hall or 

2.14 Underground car park/parking facilities

The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL provides a limited amount of long-term parking spaces (for information about fees please contact TCC).

Furthermore, there is a limited amount of day-tickets available (to be paid directly at the pay station; current rate for students: EUR 0.50 per hour/max. EUR 5 a day).

How to get the reduced student rate at the pay station:
Hold the student card in front of the reader and insert your parking ticket. Only then the reduced price will be displayed and charged.

TCC - Errichtungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH is the owner of the underground car park and responsible for the registration formalities.

Mag. (FH) Verena Kainz
Tel.: +43(0)50-8648‑4401
room number G1/022

Other parking facilities in the area:

- Underground car park at Bezirkskrankenhaus Hall
- Underground car park at Untere Stadt Hall (next to the police station)
- Underground car park at Kurpark (near Parkhotel)

Please note: the area around The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL is a short-term parking zone!

2.15 Classrooms

Please pay attention to the electronic info panel (info screen) in the entrance area on the ground floor as room reservations may change during the day due to organisational reasons. The TCC house rules also apply in the classrooms.

3. Information about the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL

As a modern University of Health Sciences, the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL in Hall in Tirol, Austria, has specialised in new vocational fields and research areas and thus also in the prevailing challenges of the healthcare system and technology.

With its focus on Biomedical Informatics, Mechatronics, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Public Health/Health Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, Nursing Sciences and Gerontology, supplemented by university training courses and certificate programmes, the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL offers high-quality academic education and advanced training in those fields which have proven to be of increasing importance in modern healthcare and technology.

At three sites in Austria, namely Hall, Vienna and Linz, the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL offers 20 high-quality Bachelor-, Master- and Doctoral study programmes, as well as three academic courses.

For a complete list of our current study programmes please click here. You will find all opportunities for advanced training at the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL-Academy here.

4. Erasmus and International Relations

As a Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL student you may complete selected modules of your studies or your final thesis at one of our Erasmus partner universities. UMIT TIROL supports and recommends study periods abroad!

A benefit of being an Erasmus student is that you do not have to pay tuition fees at the partner university. Furthermore, you can apply for a reduction of your Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL tuition fees while you are abroad. Please file the application (no special form needed) with Student and Teaching Center, for attention of Mrs. Ramnek. You will also receive monthly financial support (the amount varies annually) and support by the EU in the form of language training, etc.

ATTENTION deadlines: Please plan your stay abroad well beforehand.

For more information please click here.

Guidance on how to apply
Christa Ramnek oder  
Tel:  +43 50-8648-3837
Fax: +43 50-8648-673837

5. Study and examination regulations & regulations for doctoral candidates

Every degree course is regulated by respective study and examination regulations & regulations for doctoral candidates. Please click here for all relevant regulations. 

6. Cancellation terms

For the cancellation terms please refer to the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL's General Terms and Conditions.

7. Scholarships

7.1 Public scholarships

As a Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL student you are an official student in Austria. Therefore, according to Austrian legislation, you are „eligible for funding“. Only the Stipendienstelle Innsbruck, Andreas‑Hofer‑Str. 46, 6020 Innsbruck,, can provide information about the exact conditions.

7.2 Merit-based scholarships

The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL awards merit-based scholarships from 750,- to 1.500,- Euros per year, funded by the Republic of Austria. Applications may be submitted by students (m/f; with Austrian citizenship) of all Bachelor- and Master/Magister/Engineer study programmes offered by the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL. A call for applications is issued every year in December for the previous academic year.

8. Financing of studies

Information on the financing partners of the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL is listed below:

- Raiffeisen Regionalbank Hall in Tirol

- S Bausparkasse

- Bausparkasse Wüstenrot AG

9. Do you need help?

For any organisational questions you may have during your studies, please feel free to contact Student and Teaching Center ( We are looking forward to accompanying you during your studies and wish you