Quality Management
The Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL, which was founded in 2001, and its range of courses, was reaccredited for the last time in 2022 for a period of five years by the Austrian Accreditation Council (ÖAR) – as of now Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) - and were consequently awarded the AQ Austria Quality Seal.
This proves the legal status and high quality standard of the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL, which is being guaranteed by the strict procedural rules and regulations of the accreditation procedure and its conformity with international standards.
AQ Austria
Accreditation is a formal, transparent means of evaluating quality in which defined, internationally compatible standards are used to establish whether academic institutions and/or the programs they offer meet minimum requirements in terms of quality. As an independent authority, the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) conducts external quality assurance procedures in accordance with (inter)national standards, accreditations of academic educational institutions and studies, certification procedures and much more. You will find the current Decree on Accreditation of Private Universities (PU-AkkVO) here.
Amongst others, AQ Austria is also listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) since November 29, 2014. For further information, please refer to www.aq.ac.at
International Standards in Teaching and Research
Pursuant to its Constitution (Art. 11, the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL Constitution, as amended) the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL commits itself to take measures for quality assurance and further development. Apart from the framework conditions given through legal requirements and internal guidelines, the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL commits itself to follow international standards in teaching and research in the represented subject areas.
In HR, quality assurance is pursued by further training measures for staff. Internal and external evaluations are part of the quality management system at the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL. The findings will be used to continuously improve the quality of teaching, research and administration at the Tyrolean Private University UMIT TIROL.