Public Health, Health Services Research and HTA

EU Horizon Europe CATALYSE


The CATALYSE (Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe) project aims to provide new knowledge, data, and tools on: 1) the relationships between changes in environmental hazards caused by climate change, ecosystems, and human health; 2) the health co-benefits of climate action; 3) the role of health evidence in decision making; and 4) the societal implications of climate change for health systems.

This will be achieved through five specific objectives:

  1. to develop an integrated indicator framework and repository to track the status of health-relevant outcomes of climate actions
  2. to quantify the health co-benefits and full social and environmental costs and benefits resulting from mitigation measures outside of the health sector
  3. to develop innovative surveillance and forecasting tools that facilitate effective response to environmental health hazards (e.g. heat stress, allergenic pollen) caused by climate change and the design, monitoring and evaluation of interventions to mitigate climate change
  4. to investigate how stakeholders engage with evidence regarding the health impacts of climate change, and to develop strategies and tools to facilitate engagement
  5. to provide evidence and training on the most effective strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation for health systems, with specific focus on vulnerable populations including those occupationally exposed to hazards induced by climate change.

The EU Horizon Europe project CATALYSE will be conducted by a consortium of 21 organizations from 12 countries and is led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in Barcelona, Spain.

UMIT TIROL is involved in several Work Packages (WP) and has the Lead in two WP Tasks of the WP 5 “Adaptation and Mitigation in Health Systems. The first WP Task led by UMIT TIROL is on the “Evaluation of Economic Implications of Adaptation in the Health Sector” including the evaluation of cost-effectiveness of selected climate change adaptation strategies to protect workers from heat related illness. These results will provide evidence to inform decision makers responsible for budgetary and resource deployment (e.g., health ministries, sickness funds, private sector). The second WP Task led by UMIT TIROL is the development of “Training Materials Tailored for Healthcare and Health System Professionals” to support climate change adaptation and mitigation.

CATALYSE is a Horizon Research and Innovation Action and has received funding from the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program under the Grant Agreement number: : 101057131.


Total Project Budget: 10.3 Mio. EUR, UMIT TIROL share: 680,000 EUR

Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2027


17 October 2023

Fourth Consortium Meeting – CATALYSE Consortium members met in Barcelona

The fourth CATALYSE consortium meeting took place in presence on October 16th and 17th, 2023, in Barcelona. With about 50 members of the CATALYSE consortium in attendance, the meeting served as a central gathering to assess the progress made in the first year of the project. Three members of the UMIT TIROL Team in CATALYSE attended this meeting in-person.

This meeting provided a platform for fruitful exchanges, collaborative discussions, and shared insights from our diverse network of partners and stakeholders. Key topics addressed during the meeting included:

  • Reviewing the accomplishments and milestones achieved during the first year of the CATALYSE project.
  • Identifying challenges and opportunities for advancing climate action and promoting health in European communities.
  • Formulating strategies to enhance collaboration and synergy among consortium members to maximize the impact of our collective effort