Psychology and Sports Medicine

HomeDepartments Psychology and Sports Medicine Institute for Psychology Work, Organizational and Business Psychology Working Group

Work, Organizational und Business Psychology Working Group


Assoc.-Prof. Dr. MMag. Claudia Schusterschitz
Tel: +43 (0) 50 8648 - 3886

Research Interests
  • Attachment Orientations in the Workplace:
  • Attachment Orientations and Work Attitudes (z.B. Commitment, job satisfaction);
  • Attachment Orientations and Workplace Relationships (e.g. Leader-Follower-Relationships, Coworker Relationships);
  • Attachment Orientations and Emotional Experiences (e.g. Mood, Workplace Emotions);
  • Attachment Orientations and Work Behaviors (e.g. Extra-Role Behavior, Counterproductive Work Behavior);
  • Attachment Orientations, Work Attitudes, Emotional Experiences and Work Behaviors in the Context of Voluntary Engagement
Univ.- Ass. Dr. MMag. Robert Schorn
Tel: +43 (0) 50 8648 - 3906
Research Interests
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Nonconscious effects in consumers’ thinking, feeling, and behavior
  • Potentials, risks, and prevention of manipulation
  • Consumerism
  • Placebo effect
Links to selected publications:

Schorn, Robert; Brunner-Sperdin, Alexandra; Ploner, Janine (2014): The Influence of Color, Shape, and Font Formatting on Consumers’ Perception of Online Drugstores. In NA – Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 357-360.

Würzner-Hofmann, Carola; Schorn, Robert (2014): Does NORTH in the southern hemisphere mean SOUTH? A global view on brand-name associations. Innovative Marketing 10 (4), 38-43.

Schorn, Robert; Streicher, Mathias (2013): Conveying meaning in brand names by using time-inverted messages. Innovative Marketing 9 (3), 35-41.

Schorn, Robert (2010): Nichtbeeinflusste Beeinflussung von Konsumenten. Working Papers Verbraucherpolitik, Verbraucherforschung, 3-16.