Public Health, Health Services Research and HTA


Research Projects

Current research Projects have been and are especially in the following areas:

(A) Health Services Research

  • Palliative Care in Salzburg (2014; Nöhammer, Stummer)
  • Psycho-Social Support in CRISis Management (2013 - 2016; Raich)
  • Location decision for registered doctors (2016-2018; Angerer)

(B) Financing Health Services

  • Evaluation oft he LKF-System (finished, Holzknecht, Munck, Güntert)

(C) Management of Hospitals

  • Leadership and teamwork in hospitals (2012 - 2014; Raich); 
  • Knowledge dissemination and leadership in caring sciences (2012 bis 2013; Raich; S.Plank)

(D) Quality

  • Clinical Pathways in Austria; (2015-2017, Nöhammer)

(E) (Workplace) Health Promotion

  • Removing spatial Barriers in Communication and its implications for employee health (2015-17, Nöhammer)
  • Evaluation of stress and strains in hospitals (2014-2017, Stummer, Nöhammer)
  • Stress and Strains at University (2015-16, Stummer)
  • Health status of Austrian students and its influences (2011-2014, Nöhammer)