Scientific Reporting and Writing - Hall in Tirol
3-Day Certified Course
23 - 25 October 2025
Start of Online Exercises: TBD
Course Flyer:
Scientific Reporting and Writing - Hall in Tirol
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This course consists of a 3-day presence part at UMIT TIROL and an asynchronous online preparation phase. The course will address various challenges of professional scientific reporting, writing and presenting. It includes a primer on scientific work in general and giving critical feedback to writers or presenters. Participants will be invited to submit and work on their own abstracts in preparation for the course using the online platform (blended learning) and receive personalized feedback and advice from fellow peers and course faculty. During the course, interactive lecturers will provide an overview of general writing topics. Practical exercises and online platform activities will focus on specific issues including challenges for non-native speaker scientists. Finally, course faculty with experience as journal editors will give advice on submission procedures.
The course is created for:
- PhD, medical and master students
- Researchers and lecturers in medicine and health & life sciences
- Junior and senior scientific investigators, scientific working group leaders
- Scientists from universities, healthcare & health policy organizations, HTA agencies, healthcare industry, patient representatives, medical writers and journalists etc.
- Members of funding agencies
- Reviewers and evaluators
Course Pre-requisites:
This is an introductory course, there are no pre-requisites.
Course Language is English. Both native and non-native English speaker scientists are welcome.
Course Preparation (Online platform exercises)
Submit own abstract and manuscript part, give and receive personalized feedback and improve your writing
Conceptualizing your research
Principles of scientific reporting and writing, operationalizing the research question, time management and self-organization
General approach to writing and common mistakes in English
How to write a good manuscript:
Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion - Concepts, examples and exercises
Peer review process
Ethical issues and legal aspects in scientific publications
Presenting your work on a conference
Giving and receiving critical constructive feedback
Certificates will be provided to all participants after the course. Students will be accredited 5 ECTS for successfully completing the online platform exercises as well as their attendance and active participation during the attendance part of the course.