Simulation-Based Training Program for Nursing Practice

Clinical Practicum of the Nursing Degree in TecnoCampus

Nursing, as a science, needs professionals with complete training that allows them to adapt to different situations, with knowledge and skills that facilitate problem solving and decision making.

This clinical training program provides students with simulated clinical situations that allow them to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned and at the same time develop new knowledge and acquire the necessary skills to be able to offer nursing care. The instructional strategies used are highly influential in determining critical thinking and clinical decision-making ability, as well as the development of psychomotor skills performance. As a result of this exchange program, students will achieve competencies and skills in clinical techniques and procedures. They will experience an e-learning environment and use the platform and materials developed in the I-BOX project. In addition, they will share experiences at an international level.

Vom 18. April bis 06. Mai 2022 fand am TecnoCampus Park Mataró-Maresme in Spanien ein Simulationstraining statt. Drei ausgewählte Bachelor-Studierende durften dort ein dreiwöchiges Praktikum absolvieren.

Univ.-Ass. Lisa Haller-Schmölz, BScN, Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Pflegewissenschaft der UMIT TIROL, durfte eine Woche lang im Rahmen dieses Ausbildungsprogramms unterrichten. Ihr Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf der Säuglingspflege.

HIER erfahren Sie mehr über das I-BOX Projekt


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